Based in Gloucestershire and offering online coaching wherever you are

coaching for wellbeing
Apricot Lane Coaching
- Authentic
- Life Changing
- Compassionate
Life Coaching in Gloucestershire and The Cotswolds, and online across the world
Based in Gloucestershire and offering online coaching wherever you are
Life Coaching in Gloucestershire and The Cotswolds, and online across the world
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Sadness, shock, isolation, disbelief, shame, failure, fear, despair, hopelessness, anger - it took me years to recognise and name these feelings that stemmed from my unplanned childlessness.
And grief - real grief.
I won't tell you to get over your childlessness.
"It really helps knowing I can be myself and you 'get it.' I leave each time
Sadness, shock, isolation, disbelief, shame, failure, fear, despair, hopelessness, anger - it took me years to recognise and name these feelings that stemmed from my unplanned childlessness.
And grief - real grief.
I won't tell you to get over your childlessness.
"It really helps knowing I can be myself and you 'get it.' I leave each time feeling more positive and hopeful for the future."
Coaching will help you to recognise and accept what has happened and work with you on building your future.
"I loved my unborn children and they will always be with me, but now my life goes forward with them safely inside my heart forever."
Jody Day - Living the Life Unexpected.
Face to face life coaching for anyone looking to make changes and move forward in any aspect of their life.
"Thank you for challenging me, not judging me and guiding me these past months."
Life coaching works from the idea that everyone has the inner resources to find their own answers. I will empower you to recognise and build upon your re
Face to face life coaching for anyone looking to make changes and move forward in any aspect of their life.
"Thank you for challenging me, not judging me and guiding me these past months."
Life coaching works from the idea that everyone has the inner resources to find their own answers. I will empower you to recognise and build upon your resources, to find solutions, make decisions and move forwards with purpose, confidence and wellbeing.
I will
Apricot Lane Coaching offers a range of packages to promote staff wellbeing in the workplace.
Apricot Lane Coaching offers a range of packages to promote staff wellbeing in the workplace.
"It was helpful to share real work experiences that we can all relate to."
"Sarah's training was really relatable."
"I was able to recognise symptoms and issues and understand how stress can affect us over time."